We are going to create posters answering to the question . Why is it important to learn languages? .
In this context other schoolls from Seville will participate, IES Triana and IES Becquer. Then we
will compete against schools from England, Sharples school, France and Spain
El 4 de junio el alumnado de la asignatura de Teatro y Cine de 4º de ESO, representó en el teatro Alameda la obra, Hamlet . Se trata de la 27/28 muestra de teatro escolar organizada por el ayuntamiento de Sevilla , muestra en la que el centro IES Punta del Verde ha participado durante seis años y en la que participaron también seis centros de Sevilla. 11 actores consiguieron levantar la obra , con mascarillas incluidas y algunos doblando personajes. Doy la enhorabuena a todos mis actores por su implicación , interés y trabajo en equipo bien hecho. Sé que participar en una actividad como esta será un recuerdo del instituto que nunca olvidarán.
Opening Students’ and Teachers’ Minds to the Digital World (OMiDiWo) is a strategic partnership project between 5 secondary schools in Italy (OSZ MALS), Poland (ZESPOL SZKOL TECHNICZNYCH in RADOM), the Netherlands (FAREL COLLEGE in RIDDERKERK), Spain (IES PUNTA DEL VERDE in SEVILLE) and Portugal (AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS ABADE DE BAÇAL in BRAGANCA).
Its main aim is supporting each partner’s digitisation process through international cooperation to foster Digital Citizenship Education in students. The project lasts 24 months and focuses on digital learning and teaching. The project language is English.
The students of 4º de ESO of the subject "teatro y cine " are participating in an etwinning project which complements the contents of this subject. Here is information of this project:
The project focuses on drama - introducing students to its main elements and features - and Shakespearean plays, promoting reading, reflection on language, collaborative and game-based learning, creativity and cultural expression, critical thinking and debate.
Students will read selected plays, discover plots and characters, play with the language, perform extracts from plays and reflect on Shakespearean themes which are universal and can provide food for thought today.
In this project we work with schools from Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Italy, Norway, Spain.
Here is a link to the homepage, to see all that have been done so far:
As part of the online activities developed during this schoolyear , the six participating countries of this country have developed an international cooperative activity . It is the creation of a calendar with works of arts performed and interpreted by the students taking into account a global goal. The result can be seen in the link to our school webpage:
Here you can see the interpretation of the "Universal Embrace" by Frida Kahlo, represented based in global goal 5, Gender equality.
This school year we have began a project with Sharples school in Bolton ,United Kingdom. More than 100 students from each school have participated. In hour school , students from 1st to 3rd ESO exchanged emails in English and Spanish with students of year 8,9, 10. Then our students of four ESO exchanged emails in French. All the emails were uploaded in a classroom created for the activity and them uploaded by the coordinators to a shared driver folder. We have developed three tasks:
1st- My school and me
2nd.- A Christmas Card
3rd.- My country and me.
The last activity is a multidisciplinar activity in which the students exchange information from differen subjects like the wildlife of our country, History , Arts etc....
The end of this project will take place in Noovember 2021 in which we will receive the visit of 80 English Students during two week and we will develop a project related with job propects and life skills. This visit will include the visit of important companies in the area, sightseeing and some activities in our school. The project will be financed 100% by the British school.
Here you can see some examples and information of this project.