lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020

Christmas activities 2020


Christmas at IES Punta del Verde

    This term and overcoming all difficulties caused by the sanitary situation,we have been able to celebrate Christmas with our students. 

    First I would like to mention the original Christmas tree designed by the bilingual teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Manolo Caro . It was created by the students of third ESO. 

 In Latin and English we have sung Christmas carols. Here are some of the results of Latin , with students of 2nd Bachillerato and 4th ESO

The following videos are different versions of " Twelve days of Christmas "sung by  students of 1st Bachillerato: 

Here is another version sung by the teachers and with the participation of Maria Peral from "aula específica",who dances like a professional

And to end we also have a group of students from 1st ESO . Most of them  belong to the drama class.

In French students have created decorations in the classroom

Apart from these activities, this year we have an email project with a school in England, in Bolton. The school is Sharples school. A lot of students from first to 4th ESO are participating in this project. Here are examples of Christmas cards recieved from England. Up to this time,most ot the students have written two letters. They are all delighted with the experience. Here are some letters from the English students: 

And here are some of the cards designed by our students : 

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

HALLOWEEN - the Ghost of Canterville

 A group of teachers of English and bilingual teachers have got together to perform online "The Ghost of Canterville" .Although the quality is not very good because we are not experts at recording in this way ,it is well worth seeing it .We really had a very good time and the cast was excellent and very well chosen . Thanks to all the teachers who participated in this task

                                                 Our ghost: Francisco Javier Martos

                                           part 1

                                         part 2

                             part 3

                      part 4






sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

Erasmus days


At IES Punta del Verde we have created a video where we represent a little bit about the Erasmus projects we have in our school adding ideas about how these projects have influenced our lives. 

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020

European day of Languages

 Students of all levels of education and teachers of IES Punta del Verde have participated in a very singular activity to celebrate the European day of languages. They have quoted in different languages two of the most famous quotations by Willian Shakespeare:

"To be or not to be, that is the question"

" All the world is a stage and all men and women merely players"

It has been a great surprise how many languages can be spoken in a single school. It has been a successful activity in which many students have shown their creativity apart from having a great time.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2020

My experience at IES Punta del Verde, by Lindsay Sturnick

 Situated in the heart of Betis nation, IES Punta del Verde will fill your heart in so many ways. When I was first assigned to this high school I was excited, grateful, anxious, nervous, and ready for this new chapter in my life. From the very moment I accepted my position as the new language assistant the bilingual group had made me feel welcomed. I was added to their bilingual team WhatsApp group and was always informed of activities or updates. Everything was very organized, I knew who I could contact if I had any issues, and this really made my transition a lot easier. 

You won’t find a more motivated, ambitious, creative, or fun group of professors who genuinely love their jobs than at IES Punta del Verde. You may notice that Pilar is always working on a new project to give the students incredible opportunities with the Erasmus program (you may even start to wonder if and when she sleeps!). You’ll see Macarena and Manolo creating exciting lessons for Chemistry and Biology that incorporate fun dice games or role playing. Olmo might use his great video skills and love for physical education to encourage the students to dance and make a video to raise awareness for global warming, which with the help and energy and animation of Nuria will be a great success. And, without a doubt you will learn A LOT about Spanish history while you work with Alejandro. While I’ve only mentioned a few of the members of the bilingual team, attending class with any one of the professors will always be sure to be fun and exciting! 

During my two years assisting at Punta del Verde I learned a lot about what it takes to be a great teacher, how to motivate kids and create an atmosphere of inclusivity, and I learned a lot about Spain and its rich culture. I will always remember this experience and will look back fondly on the wonderful teachers and students of this high school in Heliópolis, where the sun really does seem to shine a little bit brighter. 

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020


El equipo bilingüe del IES Punta del Verde ha trabajado de una forma multidisciplinar la temática de San Valentin. Ha sido una ocasión estupenda para que nuestro alumnado desarrolle su creatividad. Muchas actividades han ido unidas a la programación de las diferentes asignaturas. A continuación presento las diferentes actividades realizadas:

En L1 (Lengua Española) los alumnos han escrito a sus compañeros cartas de amor. Ha participado alumnado de diferentes niveles. Se ha expuesto un collage con todas estas cartas y se han premiado las mejores cartas. También se han trabajado textos combinando  la obra de diferentes autores además de la de los mismos alumnos

 En Latín los alumnos han trabajado sobre el origen de San Valentin

 En L2 (Inglés)  el alumnado de 1º de ESO ha escrito mensajes de amor a sus compañeros. También se han escrito mensajes de amor en corazones para montarlo todo en árboles. En cuarto de ESO y 3º de ESO  se han escrito mensajes de amor y después se han leido en voz alta. También se han leido poemas de escritores ingleses

 En L3 francés se han preparado adornos de guirnaldas con corazones donde se han escrito mensajes sencillos en francés

En ANL-filosofía se ha trabajado a través de unos videos el concepto del amor desde el punto de vista filosófico

En ANL- Dibujo con segundo de ESO  se han hecho diseños en 3D usando el programa tinkercad
Se han creado diseños de corazones y mensajes  de citas en inglés

En ANL- física y química se han creado separadores de libros con la técnica de papiroflexia

En ANL Historia y enlazando con el tema que se está trabajando se trabajó la temática de matrimonios por conveniencia e infidelidad en los reyes españoles del siglo XIX.