
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

eTwinning Project: Shake the Stage


The students of 4º de ESO of the subject "teatro y cine " are participating in an etwinning project which complements the contents of this subject. Here is information of this project: 

The project focuses on drama - introducing students to its main elements and features - and Shakespearean plays, promoting reading, reflection on language, collaborative and game-based learning, creativity and cultural expression, critical thinking and debate.
Students will read selected plays, discover plots and characters, play with the language, perform extracts from plays and reflect on Shakespearean themes which are universal and can provide food for thought today.

In  this project we work with schools from Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Italy, Norway, Spain. 

Here is a link to the homepage, to see all that have been done so far: 

Shake the Stage

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